- Not reading the Terms of Service (TOS). It's very important to read the TOS so you know what is against the rules. If you break a rule listed in the TOS, you may get your Neobux account suspended or terminated.
- Not reading the Forum. There's a forum on the Neobux website. Be sure to read it often to help educate yourself about Neobux. You will find the latest news and updates on the Neobux forum. You will also find some tips and tricks in the forum that can help you earn more money!
- Not clicking on "server time". When you log-in to the Neobux website you will see something at the top that says; "The current server time is", to the left of that you will see another line of text that says; "Your advertisement clicks reset at". Be sure to log-in according to when your clicks reset.
Remember these common mistakes and don't make them yourself, or it could cost you.